Please select from one of the shipping label options below PURCHASE YOUR OWN LABEL Purchase your own label on your own time and use it to send in your cores. WE PROVIDE THE LABEL After order completion, a shipping label can be printed on our confimation page. You will also recieve a shipping label via email. Shipping fees are based on item quantity and weight and will be deducted from your total return. Only available for customers inside the US. PACKAGE DETAILS PACKAGE CONTENTS PART # PRICE QTY TOTAL {{ sli.sku }} ${{ formatNumberWithTwoDecimalPlaces(sli.regular_price) }} {{ sli.quantity }} ${{ formatNumberWithTwoDecimalPlaces(sli.regular_price * sli.quantity) }} {{ sli.description }} PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Height * IN CM Length * {{ selectedDimentionUnit == 'inches' ? 'IN' : 'CM' }} Width * {{ selectedDimentionUnit == 'inches' ? 'IN' : 'CM' }} PACKAGE WEIGHT Weight * LB OZ GM By checking the box, I confirm all provided information is correct. YOUR RETURN : ${{formatNumberWithTwoDecimalPlaces(sellListSubtotal)}} ESTIMATED SHIPPING COST : $-{{formatNumberWithTwoDecimalPlaces(totalShippingCost)}} PAYOUT : ${{ formatNumberWithTwoDecimalPlaces(totalPayoutAmount)}} BACK TO SELL LIST SUBMIT SELL ORDER SHIPPING INFORMATION Tracking Number * Shipping Courier * PAYOUT : ${{ formatNumberWithTwoDecimalPlaces(totalPayoutAmount)}} BACK TO SELL LIST SUBMIT SELL ORDER Payout price is subject to change upon inbound inspection.